Monday, September 23, 2013

Monday's News

Our day today included library, exploring Word Work materials during literacy workshop, and a school assembly with our Artist in Residence!  We are settled into our daily schedule and it's exciting to observe children's engagement and independence!

This week students will work with Mr. King, our Artist in Residence.  He is working with Simonds students to design models of natural playscapes.  Be sure to ask your second grader about it!  You can check out pictures of some natural playscapes that Mr. King has helped design.  The goal is for our students to each create a model of an amphitheater with Mr. King for display at Open House on October 2nd!  Our class works on our models Tuesday afternoon!
This afternoon we used the Scholastic News children's magazine to talk about citizenship and community.  Click on this link for the digital copy and to watch the video that accompanied this week's magazine.

In other news, our class has completed our unit on immigration.  As a culminating activity, each child created a paper quilt piece to show what they learned about immigration.  Look for our class immigration quilt at Open House!  Our next unit is science- sun, moon, and stars!