Daily literacy instruction is an integral piece of second grade! To foster skills in reading
comprehension, phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and writing we have a daily
literacy workshop in our classroom.
Within this block, children are engaged in small group work, independent
work, 1-on-1 instruction with a teacher, and in whole class discussions. Children will receive small group or 1-on-1
instruction with me each day in the area of literacy. Some children receive enrichment or reading intervention from reading teachers during our literacy block as well. While a child is not working with a teacher
s/he may be engaged in the following activities during Literacy Workshop:
Read to
The best way to become a better reader is to practice each day, with books you
choose, at a just-right level!
Read to
Reading to someone allows for more time to practice strategies, helping with
fluency and expression, checking for understanding, hearing your own voice, and
sharing in a learning community.
Work on
Writing: Just like reading, the best way to become a
better writer is to practice writing everyday!
Listen to
Reading: Children listen to reading from CD’s and
online storybooks. This allows children
to hear examples of good literature and fluent reading. It also expands readers’ vocabularies.
Ask your child what they enjoy most in literacy workshop!