
Homework will consist of a reading log, a reading response page and a math piece. This will be sent home on Fridays and due the following Friday. Children should read or be read to at least 20 minutes for 5 of the 7 days to practice their decoding and comprehension skills. Then the children will choose one book and use it to complete the reading response page. If they read a chapter book, they can use the chapters they've read to answer the response page. This homework will begin in September.

Children benefit greatly from enjoyable and relaxing read-alouds by family members and from reading themselves. In October children will begin taking home books from school to practice with their families. These books could be read as a part of the 20 minute homework or children may read them in addition to their own reading choices. I will be sending home more information in the future to help support you when reading with your child at home.

There will also be optional homework activities for students. These activities will be internet-based and across various subject areas. These optional assignments will be available on our classroom blog and will change monthly.

The purpose of this homework option in second grade is to create a link between learning at school and home, practice current skills, and to provide a challenge to students!