Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tuesday's News

We started another great week in second grade today!  In math, our class played a new game called Crazy Mixed Up Numbers, had a computation assessment (addition and subtraction), and completed calendar activities using the Smartboard.

In literacy, second graders increased their reading stamina to read to themselves for two sessions of about 10 minutes each!  Each day we add another minute to our reading and our class is enjoying the challenge!  We've been reading many  books each day and tomorrow students will learn about choosing their own good-fit books.

We also had P.E. and began a unit on immigration in social studies.  In addition, we had our first Writing Workshop and each child wrote a short story from their life.  Ask your child about their story idea!  It will certainly be another busy and exciting week!

FYI: Library books can be returned next Monday since there was no school yesterday.