Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Talk to your second grader about...

Excitement is high as second graders await the upcoming snow storm!  With the freezing rain, we enjoyed some indoor recess in our classroom this afternoon.  This morning, students finished making a map of Warner that you can check out at next Wednesday's Curriculum Fair!
Our class learned how to use the Chromebook computers to type a book on the program "Google Docs."  I was so impressed with how they quickly learned to log-in to the computer and learn how to type.  They really enjoyed changing the fonts, color, and size of their words.  Soon we'll print out the books, illustrate them with photographs from the internet, and share them with the class.
In math we counted dollar bills ($1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100) and coins to find the value of piles of play money.  Children also figured out how to pay for objects with money.  For example, they drew dollar bills and coins to show how to buy a teddy bear that cost $16.99.  Next week we'll solve word problems about money!