Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March News

After a snowy February, we're excited to be back into our school-day routines!  On Monday children shared about their vacation at morning meeting and many wrote about what they did at writing time.
In March we'll be learning about counting money (coins and dollar bills) and solving word problems involving money.  Ask your child to tell you about our money games- "Money War," "Money Bingo," and "Money Match."  We'll also use online games to reinforce counting money.  Be sure to check out, an excellent website for online educational games.  Here's the link on the site for counting coins practice!  If you'd like additional home practice for your child learning money you might try:
*the money practice on Study Island
*having your child count handfuls of coins from a coin jar
*ask your child to count your change while waiting in line at the grocery store or in the car
In reading, we are beginning to learn about the moral of the story or "central message."  We will read many fables, folktales, and fairy tales to understand what the author's message is.  Your second grader can tell you about the central message in the fable we read yesterday called "The Hen and the Apple Tree!"
In writing, we're finishing our non-fiction books and children will publish them soon on the laptops.  Yesterday we talked about being able to write for longer periods of time each day to get the most writing practice we could.  We'll continue to add minutes to our writing time to prepare for third grade!
We are fortunate to have many parent and grandparent "guest readers" planned for March!  If you'd like to read a story to the class, let me know!