Wednesday, November 20, 2013
What's new? Artists-Writers Workshop!
Last week our class began Artists/Writers Workshop! During this time children are creating paintings using crayons and watercolor paints. Then we use the pictures to create poems with rich language and word choice. This approach to writing integrates art and writing, with a focus on expanding children's word vocabularies. We will also talk about editing our poems for punctuation, capitol starts, and clear handwriting. During the next few weeks, we will be creating paintings and poems for each of the different times of day and each child will have a published book at the end of the unit! Today we listened to a story called Grandfather Twilight, talked about the different times of day, and discussed the sky's appearance at different times of day. This approach comes from the University of New Hampshire. Please visit UNH's Picturing Writing Website for more information.
In other news, we have been working on subtraction word problems in math. In social studies, we are wrapping up our unit about Pilgrims and Wampanoag Native Americans by researching online and creating a book about their food, clothing, housing, games, school, and chores. Have a great week!