Tuesday, November 5, 2013

The latest news from second grade!

Halloween and the Simonds costume parade brought much excitement last week!  Thanks to our parent volunteers who helped with costumes and snacks!  In this week's news, today is the second Math League Day!   Second graders will be encouraged to use perseverance to complete the math problems in this optional event!
We also learned about Veteran's Day yesterday through Scholastic News and will continue to study Pilgrims this week in Social Studies.  Today our class will use the Chromebook laptops to go on a virtual tour of the Mayflower ship!
  In math workshop, we are exploring odd and even numbers in relation to dividing numbers into two equal groups.  For example, 20 is an even number because it can be divided into two groups of 10.  This begins to lay a foundation for multiplication!  Yesterday each child chose a material to sort into piles of odd and even numbers (playing cards, cuisenaire rods, or dominoes).    

Mrs. Cermak will also come in this week to talk about kindness with our class.  This is a topic we discuss often as we learn together in second grade.  Students have many wonderful ideas of ways to be kind to others and we have been talking about ways to problem solve issues with classmates in an appropriate way.  Ask your child how they have been kind lately!  :)