Our class was very excited to have snow on the playground for recess this week! Thank you for helping your child come prepared with snow gear each day!
In math we have been learning about measurement! Our learning goals are to:
-estimate the lengths of objects and measure to the nearest inch, foot, centimeter, and meter
-compare the lengths of objects
-use different tools to measure objects (yardsticks, meter sticks, and cm/inch rulers)
Ask your child to tell you about what they measured in our classroom!
In science we are exploring sound! Children have gone to different sound centers and will learn more about sound through these
sound websites for kids. Ask your child to tell you how sound is made and what they did in their centers! Next week we will be creating our own instruments to demonstrate what we've learned about sound. If you think of it- please save and have your child bring in any paper towel/ toilet paper rolls, coffee cans, water bottles, etc.
In reading we are working on the reading strategy called "inferring." Inferring is when readers need to figure out what the author doesn't tell you in a book. The children are experts at this and I'm sure your child would be excited to "infer" what they are thinking as they read with you at home!